Sleep Walking

This disorder is commonly seen in older children and can range from simply getting out of bed and walking around the bedroom to prolonged and complex actions, such as going to another part of the house or outdoors.


Sleepwalking is most often initiated during deep sleep but may occur in the lighter sleep stages of NREM, usually within a few hours of falling asleep. The sleepwalker may be partially aroused during the episode.

In addition to walking during deep sleep, other symptoms of sleepwalking include:

  • Sleep Talking

  • Little or no memory of the event

  • Difficulty arousing the sleepwalker during an episode

  • Inappropriate behavior, such as urinating in closets (more common in children)

  • Screaming (when sleepwalking occurs in conjunction with sleep terrors)

  • Violent attacks on the person trying to awaken the sleepwalker


There is no specific treatment for sleepwalking. In many cases, simply improving sleep hygiene may eliminate the problem. If you are experiencing symptoms, you should talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist about ways to prevent injury during the episodes and about the possibility of underlying illness. Also, be prepared to discuss any factors, such as fatigue, medication, or stress, which may trigger symptoms with your doctor or pediatrician.

Treatment for sleepwalking in adults may include hypnosis. There are many cases in which sleepwalking patients have successfully treated their symptoms with hypnosis alone. Also, pharmacological therapies such as sedative-hypnotics or antidepressants have helped reduce the incidence of sleepwalking in some people.

Sleepwalking is common in children and is usually outgrown over time, significantly as deep sleep decreases. If symptoms persist through adolescence, consult your doctor or psychiatrist.